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Working with Coding Systems and Unicode in Emacs

Hwo to force Emacs to always use UTF-8 or other coding systems when you open files or interact with processes.
Updated for Emacs 28

Dealing with unicode in Emacs is a daily task for me. Unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury of sticking to just UTF-8 or iso-8859-1; my work involves a lot of fidgeting with a lot of coding systems local to particular regions, so I need a flexible editor that has the right defaults that will cover my most common use-cases. Unsurprisingly, Emacs is more than capable of fulfilling that role.

Emacs has facilities in place for changing the coding system for a variety of things, such as processes, buffers and files. You can also force Emacs to invoke a command with a certain coding system, a concept I will get to in a moment.

The most important change (for me, anyway) is to force Emacs to default to UTF-8. It’s practically a standard, at least in the West, as it is dominant on the Web; has a one-to-one mapping with ASCII; and is flexible enough to represent any unicode character, making it a world-readable format. But enough nattering about that. The biggest issue is convincing Emacs to treat files as UTF-8 by default, when no information in the file explicitly says it is.

I use the following code snippet to enforce UTF-8 as the default coding system for all files, comint processes and buffers. Note that in newer versions of Emacs you only need the first line, but if you find that it’s not enough to coax all aspects of your Emacs into your coding system of choice, you can use the longer and more involved method. You’re free to replace utf-8 below with your own preferred coding system, of course.

For newer Emacsen:

(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)

For older Emacsen, or if you find the above method is not enough somehow:

(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
;; backwards compatibility as default-buffer-file-coding-system
;; is deprecated in 23.2.
(if (boundp 'buffer-file-coding-system)
    (setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
  (setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8))

;; Treat clipboard input as UTF-8 string first; compound text next, etc.
(setq x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING))

Once evaluated, Emacs will treat new files, buffers, processes, and so on as though they are UTF-8. Emacs will still use a different coding system if the file has a file-local variable like this -*- coding: euc-tw -*- near the top of the file. (See 48.2.4 Local Variables in Files in the Emacs manual.)

OK, so Emacs will default to UTF-8 for everything. That’s great, but not everything is in UTF-8; how do you deal with cases where it isn’t? How do you make an exception to the proverbial rule? Well, Emacs has got it covered. The command M-x universal-coding-system-argument, bound to the handy C-x RET c, takes as an argument the coding system you want to use, and a command to execute it with. That makes it possible to open files, shells or run Emacs commands as though you were using a different coding system. Very, very useful. This command is a must-have if you have to deal with stuff encoded in strange coding systems.

One problem with the universal coding system argument is that it only cares about Emacs’s settings, not those of your shell or system. That’s a problem, because tools like Python use the environment variable PYTHONIOENCODING to set the coding system for the Python interpreter.

I have written the following code that advises the universal-coding-system-argument function so it also, temporarily for just that command, sets a user-supplied list of environment variables to the coding system.

(defvar universal-coding-system-env-list '("PYTHONIOENCODING")
  "List of environment variables \\[universal-coding-system-argument] should set")

(defadvice universal-coding-system-argument (around provide-env-handler activate)
  "Augments \\[universal-coding-system-argument] so it also sets environment variables

Naively sets all environment variables specified in
`universal-coding-system-env-list' to the literal string
representation of the argument `coding-system'.

No guarantees are made that the environment variables set by this advice support
the same coding systems as Emacs."
  (let ((process-environment (copy-alist process-environment)))
    (dolist (extra-env universal-coding-system-env-list)
      (setenv extra-env (symbol-name (ad-get-arg 0))))

Insert the code into your emacs file and evaluate it, and now Emacs will also set the environment variables listed in universal-coding-system-env-list. One important thing to keep in mind is that Python and Emacs do not share a one-to-one correspondence of coding systems. There will probably be instances where obscure coding systems exist in one and not the other, or that the spelling or punctuation differ; the mapping of such names is left as an exercise to the reader.

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